School Stationery

L.G. Business Systems is your one stop shop for all of your school stationery needs. We are the preferred supplier to all Victorian schools for all their school stationery requirements. You can be assured of helpful advice, great service and quality products.
Within the school stationery range, we can supply A4 Laser Labels to suit Cases 21 software for your reporting needs, Bibliotech Library Labels for referencing books, and Spine Labels for genrefication of your libraries. Also QKR Lunchbox Labels for lunch orders or for use as student lunch tickets.
We have a generic range of duplicate and triplcate Purchase Order Books and First Aid Books, or we can customize any type of book with your own schools details.
For excursions or sporting events we have a large range of Wristbands in different colours and sizes. These are a Tyvek material so won't disintegrate if they get wet. They are very strong and hard wearing and have a tamper proof security seal, which makes them virtually impossible to tear off they wrist. Each wristband is numbered too for record keeping purposes.
Finally we can produce your own A4 Laser Cheques and also Presentation Folders for marketing purposes
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