When it comes to recycling, sorting waste is crucial. Plastic, aluminium, paper and glass containers should go in the appropriate waste bins provided. It is easy and simple. However, it might not be enough. What about the labels and the adhesive on the containers? If they are not recyclable, this will create a new problem. The adhesive, if not recyclable, can seriously interfere with the recycling process, not allowing the paper to be recycled and all will come down to more waste in the landfills.
Fortunately, the option of recyclable adhesive exists today and conscious label producers use it in their methods of creating labels. These labels have a water-soluble barrier between the paper and the adhesive which makes it recyclable. If these type of labels were used worldwide it would have an enormous positive effect on the paper recycling industry.

The fact that the awareness for recycling is high in modern societies only puts the importance of recycling in the focus of attention across the whole world. In the US the recycling rate is over 57%, in the UK is 47.5% whereas in Australia it is 34%. Hence, the importance of using recyclable labels is self-imposed. The benefits are evident and very much needed for saving our planet’s existence.
An amazing fact that supports the statement is that recycling one tonne of paper can save 17 trees, around 26.500 litres of water and around 1450 litres of oil. Plus, it will save 2.5 m3 of landfill space and 4000 kW of energy. And if this is not amazing enough, it will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by one metric tonne of carbon equivalent.
LG Business Systems Solutions of Recyclable Labels
LG Business Systems offers recyclable labels with recyclable adhesives because we understand the importance of leaving a green imprint on the planet. All of our material is sourced from Sustainable ForestryPlantations and they are FEFC and SFC Forestry Certified.
Important Information about Recycling Symbols
There are packaging labels and recycling symbols that are printed on the products to show the different types of packaging and their way of recycling. Not all of the packaging has a recycling label, but it would be of great help for the consumer if there is. Here are the most used symbols:

This label is applied to packaging that is collected by 75% or more of local authorities

The Green Dot does not necessarily mean that the packaging is recyclable, will be recycled or has been recycled. It is a symbol used on packaging and signifies that the producer has made a financial contribution towards the recovery and recycling of packaging.

This indicates that an object is capable of being recycled, not that the object has been recycled or will be accepted in all recycling collection systems. Sometimes this symbol is used with a percentage figure in the middle to explain that the packaging contains x% of recycled material.

This identifies the type of plastic resin used to make the item by providing a ‘Resin IdentificationCode’. It is represented with a ‘chasing arrows’ symbol surrounding a number between 1 and 7 that defines the resin used.

Products certified to be industrially compostable according to the European standard EN 13432/14955 may bear the ‘seedling’ logo.
Never place compostable plastic into the recycling with other plastics; as it is designed to break down it cannot be recycled and contaminates recyclable plastics. Plastics that carry this symbol can be recycled with your garden waste through your local authority.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo identifies wood-based products from well managed forests independently certified in accordance with the rules of the FSC.